
In this video we review how to display core data in both log tracks and in crossplots. Instructions are also provided below.

Core data can be displayed in both well log tracks and in cross plots. To display core data points you will first need to have loaded your core data – if you need help with this, please see the documentation on loading data or watch the quick guide video. Remember that core data are loaded as a “points” data set in the Danomics platform. Once your data is loaded and has been selected using the database selection dropdown menu you are ready to begin.

Displaying core data in a well log track

To display data in a well log track perform the following steps:

  1. Go to the desired well log track, and hover over a curve name and click on the “gear” icon (settings icon). This will bring up the settings for the well log track.
  2. Click on the “Add points” link at the bottom of the well log track settings.
  3. In “Curve” field type the name of your points property.
  4. In the “Name” field give it a display name.
  5. Set the display properties and scale as required.
  6. The points should now be displayed. You can close the settings menu by clicking the settings icon or by clicking the double arrow in the top right.

If you don’t see your core points check the name (you can see your points column names by opening the points database (it will open in a new tab when you click on it) and make sure it is typed in exactly as shown. Also, remember to check your scales – for example, are your logs in decimal and your core value in percent?

Displaying core data in a cross plot

To display core data in a cross plot perform the following steps:

  1. Open a crossplot tab
  2. Set the “Type” to Custom
  3. Select the formations to display
  4. Choose the data for the X-axis and Y-axis. You can start typing to see a list of available curves. For points data you can type “pts” and this will filter the list to the available points data
  5. The data can then be filtered, colored by curve values, and the axis values updated as required.

If you don’t see your core points, check the scales to make sure your data isn’t plotting outside of the displayed area. Also check the formations list to ensure you have selected formations that have core data available.

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