Flows Help
Flows are an exciting new way that can transform how you approach many of your repetitive workflows items. This is an area of active development and there will be many updates to this page in the coming months, so please check back often to discover new functionality. We aim to provide you with full, best-in-class support during your subscription, so if you need any additional help, please contact us.
Because Flows will be a new concept to many of you, please consider starting by reading the Introductory Guides as a way to orient yourself with what you can accomplish with flows.
Introductory Guides
- What are flows?
- General Concepts in Flows
- Flows Building Blocks
- Using Equations in CpiLogCalc Blocks
- Publishing Python User Flow Tools
Example Flows
- Multi-well Lithofacies Model
- Creating and Smoothing a Grid
- Performing Math Operations on a Grid
- Performing Math Operations on Points
- Writing a New Log Database
- Automated Outlier Removal for Grids
- Tops Interpolation
- Add Well Header Data to Points
- Making Isopach Maps
- Log Splicing and Unit Conversions
Flows Help Videos
- Tutorial: Multi-well Lithofacies Models
- Tutorial: Smoothing a grid
- Tutorial: Removing Outliers
- Tutorial: Running Python code in Flows
- Tutorial: Data management tools in Flows
- Tutorial: Tops Interpolation in Flows
- Tutorial: Making Structure Maps using TopsToTVD
- Tutorial: Decline Curve Analysis with Flows
- Tutorial: Filtering Formation Tops using PointsSelect
- Tutorial: Log Health Checks
- Tutorial: Mnemonics Analysis
- Tutorial: Remove flat spots
- Tutorial: Processing deviation surveys
- Tutorial: Writing curves to a log database
- Tutorial: Writing grids with Flows
- Tutorial: Making multi-well facies models
- Tutorial: Generating a well list via Flows
- More videos coming soon!
Other Help Pages
Petrophysics Help | DCA Help | Flows Help | Mapping Help