

The Editing Module enables users to perform granular edits on a well-by-well basis. Unlike other modules any changes made to the key well are not propagated to non-key wells. This module is also where all of the automated unit conversion, curve family conversions, lithology reference changes, and curve compositing is performed.

Key Parameters

  • Shift scope: Specify if depth shifting should be performed and if so, if the shifting will be done curve-by-curve or file-by-file.
  • Curve family: Select the group of curves to be operated on (e.g., GR, NPHI, or RHOB).
  • Splice order: Specify if the default priority order for splicing should be changed.
  • Filter scope: Specify if data should be filtered by curve attributes (e.g., only null all data where the curve value is above or below a threshold)
  • Null depth ranges: Specify if data for a curve should be set to null over a specific depth interval(s).
  • Curve shifts: Specify the amount of the depth shift. Only visible if Shift scope is not None.
  • Scaling: Specify if the curves should be scaled.

Output Curves

  • GR_COMP: Composited gamma ray. No normalization or badhole repair.
  • SP_COMP: Composited spontaneous potential. No normalization or badhole repair.
  • RESD_COMP: Composited deep resistivity. No normalization or badhole repair.
  • RESM_COMP: Composited medium resistivity. No normalization or badhole repair.
  • RESS_COMP: Composited shallow resistivity. No normalization or badhole repair.
  • RXO_COMP: Composited micro resistivity. No normalization or badhole repair.
  • NPHI_COMP: Composited neutron. No normalization or badhole repair.
  • RHOB_COMP: Composited bulk density. No normalization or badhole repair.
  • DRHO_COMP: Composited density correction. No normalization or badhole repair.
  • DT_COMP: Composited compressional sonic. No normalization or badhole repair.
  • DTS_COMP: Composited shear sonic. No normalization or badhole repair.
  • PE_COMP: Composited photoelectric factor. No normalization or badhole repair.
  • CALI_COMP: Composited caliper. No normalization or badhole repair.

CPI Config Reference

The relevant configuration file is 02_editing.yaml.


  1. Depth track
  2. Auto-generated track showing original curves
  3. Auto-generated track showing modified curves.
  4. Auto-generated track showing composited curve.

Associated cross-plots


Associated maps



  • If multiple LAS files are present depth shifting (if needed) should most likely be performed on a File-by-file basis.
  • Scaling should only be done to make curves internally consistent for that well. The Curve Normalization module is better suited to handle disparities between wells.
  • If the same or similar changes need to be made across all wells, consider performing through an override of the CPI Config or via a Flow.