
Getting Started with DCA

This guide will demonstrate how to create a new decline curve analysis (DCA) project, customize your layouts, style plots, filter to relevant data sets, set global constraints on your declines curves, calculate economics, perform manual declines, and generate multi-well type curves.

If at any point in the process you need help, please contact us at support@danomics.com

Sample Data

For this tutorial you will need well header and production data. You can download them using these links:

Step 1: Loading Data

To get started you will first need to upload some data to Danomics. In the video below we show how to upload well log, well header, well tops, production, and shapefile data.

Creating a new DCA Project

In this video we demonstrate how to create a new DCA project, select your databases, and update the layout.

Setting Filters, Constraints, and Economics

In this video we demonstrate how to filter down to the well set of interest, set global constraints on your decline curve analysis, and set up economics.

Manual DCA and Multi-well Type Curves

When you create a new DCA project all the wells are automatically forecasted using your global constraints. In this video we demonstrate how to perform manual overrides to your production forecasts. I also demonstrate how to generate multi-well type curves to forecast your production in wells with short production histories.

Creating Multi-well Type Curves

In this video we demonstrate how to generate multi-well type curves to forecast your production in wells with short production histories.

Exporting Data

In this video we demonstrate how to export your results.


Congratulations on completing the Welcome Guide for decline curve analysis in Danomics. Although there is a lot more that can be done with Danomics DCA the knowledge you have taken from the videos should provide you with the fundamentals needd to make meaningful DCA interpretations. If you have ay questions or need any help, please contact support at support@danomics.com.

Categories: DCAHelp