
This article covers the blocks that are available for constructing flows. This article will be kept updated as more flows tools are continuously being developed and released.

CpiLogCalcSelect Equations, CPI Files, Tops and Well Header DBsInputLog DBLogs; Points
DeviationsToXYZProcess deviation surveysProcessingPointsPoints
DeviationLookupUse deviation information in a subsequent flowInputPointsPoints
FaciesFitGenerate multiwell lithofacies modelsProcessingLogsPoints
PointsToGridGenerate a gridProcessingPointsGrid
GridInputInput a gridInputGrid FileGrid
GridMathMath operations on a gridProcessingGridGrid
GridOutputWrite a gridOutputGridGrid File
GridSmoothSmooth a gridProcessingGridGrid
LogInputInput logsInputLog DBlogs
LogOutputWrite logsOutputLogsLog DB
PointsMathMath operations on pointsProcessingPointsPoints
PointSelectSelect data to use (typically by zone)FilteringPointsPoints
PointsInputInput pointsInputPoints DBPoints
PointsOutputWrite out pointsOutputPointsPoints DB
PointsSpatialFilterRemove outliers from a points datasetFilteringPointsPoints
LogHealthCheckIdentify structural and formatting problems with log databasesAnalysisLog DBReport
MnemonicsAnalysisIdentify count of each curve type and unaliased curvesAnalysisLogsReport
NullRepeatedLogSamplesRemove repeated samples from well logs based on criteriaProcessingLogsLogs
DerefLogAliasesRename all curves to their parent aliasProcessingLogsLogs

For help on the general concept of using flows see this article.

Categories: flowsHelp