
This article contains links to download the primary datasets used in a petrophysics project. All of the files have been tested in the platform and are known to work. For files such as the well headers and tops data all the required columns are present and in the correct order so you do not have to match the columns manually. For the log data it is already in a zip folder. There is no need to unzip the folder – just upload directly to the platform.

Data Types & Formats

There are four primary data types used in petrophysics projects. These are:

  • Well log data (zip folder, las)
  • Well header data ( XLSX, IHS 297)
  • Formation tops data (XLSX, csv)
  • Core/Points data (XLSX, csv)

Sample Data

The following data was made public by the Wyoming Oil and Gas Commission.

Uploading the Data

To upload the files to Danomics go to the File menu and select the relevant Upload option. For example, to upload the LAS data select File > Upload logs… and then select the zip folder containing the well log data. The upload menus contain options for truncating/padding the API numbers. By default Danomics used 14 digit APIs, but it can handle almost any format, but keep in mind that the API/UWI is what we use to tie the wells logs to well headers to well tops to points – so if the API/UWI across the file types does not match, this will lead to data not appearing in the platform.

For the example data in the links above we have ensured that the data will load using all of the default options – there is no need to truncate/pad the API unless you wish to do this as a test.

Using the Data

Once you have loaded your data you will need to create a new project. To do this, simply go to the file menu and select File > New petrophysical calculation… and then give your project a name. Once this is done the project will open. To select your databases use the dropdown menus that are present on the right hand side underneath where it says “Database”. Only the relevant database types will show up under each dropdown. You will need to point the project to the databases for well headers, well logs, formation tops, and core/points data.

Once you have selected the data remember to save your project either by pressing Ctrl+S or selecting File > Save from the file menu.

Core Data

Core data spreadsheets should have the format API, MD, property1, property2, …, property_n where the property names can be anything you want, although having spaces or special characters is strongly discouraged. Note that the API should match what is present in the well header and well log databases.

More Resources

If you need additional help with loading the data, please check out this help article and this help video. Remember, you can find help articles and videos for all of the relevant modules on our help page. And as always you can contact us using the form below.

Categories: Petrophysics