
Data Loading in 10 minutes

Data loading in Danomics Petrophysics Danomics Petrophysics software can take several different data types. The video below is a quick tutorial on data loading in the software. Data Types Available The Danomics platform has two project types – Petrophysics (.cpi files) and Decline Curve Analysis (.dca files). For these there Read more…

Porosity in 10 minutes

Porosity Calculations Understanding your storage properties is key in doing petrophysics and will directly play into your calculations of in-place volumes. In this video we do a brief review of the methods available, the parameters you’ll need, and the interpretation modules you’ll need to have completed beforehand. Furthermore, the software Read more…

Clay Volume in 10 Minutes

Clay Volume Estimation Clay volume determination is one of the first steps in any petrophysical analysis and because it plays it factors into subsequent calculations like porosity and therefore water saturation it is important to get it right. Danomics offers several options out-of-the-box such as Vclay from Neutron-Density, Gamma Ray Read more…

TOC Analysis in 10 Minutes

TOC Analysis There are lots of different methods out there for analyzing TOC. In Danomics Petrophysical Insights we offer 6 distinct methods. These include: Schmoker’s method: An empirical, density-based method. RhoB methods: An average of 12 of the most popular empirical density-only methods. Vernik’s method: A density-based method that utilizes Read more…

The CPI Config

Throughout the previous articles I have made various references to the CPI Config. This article will review the CPI config itself with an emphasis on actual examples. When editing your CPI config I recommend using Notepad++, a free text editor that has style formatting available for several programming languages. Our Read more…

Customizing Danomics

Danomics lets you customize equations and displays and incorporate your own code. There are four customization options: CPI Config Use the CPI Config to customize both equations and displays. The majority of Danomics modules are built using this config. It offers a rich set of sample-by-sample, array-based, and statistical equation Read more…

Maps and Cross-Sections

Danomics Petrophysics Insights offers mapping and cross-sections to users. Maps are available in both CPI files and Map Files and cross-sections are available in CPI files. Maps Maps can be displayed in both the CPI and Maps file types. Richer maps with production bubble overlays and shape file overlays can Read more…

Propagating Interpretations

Danomics’ Petrophysics Insights attempts to propagate interpretations from a key well to other wells in a project. Some parameters are propagated as constant values while other parameters undergo a re-mapping process to handle variability that arises due to changes in the subsurface and tool responses. Parameter Propagation Some parameter values Read more…