

The Setup Module contains general settings that are related to how calculated curves are displayed, the intervals over which statistics are collected, input units, and the default lithology for curves such as the neutron, density, and sonic porosity.

Key Parameters

  • Curve calculation start: Specify the upper end of the interval over which calculated curves should be displayed.
  • Curve calculation end: Specify the lower end of the interval over which calculated curves should be displayed.
  • Stats window start: Specify the upper end of the interval over which statistics for curve normalization, washout repair, and parameter remapping should be collected.
  • Stats window end: Specify the lower end of the interval over which statistics for curve normalization, washout repair, and parameter remapping should be collected.
  • Inferred lithology: Specify the assumed lithological reference to use for porosity curves when unknown.

Output Curves

There are no significant output curves from this module.

CPI Config Reference

The relevant configuration file is 01_setup.yaml.


Default tracks from left to right include:

  1. GR / SP track
  2. Depth track
  3. Resistivity track
  4. Neutron-Density track
  5. Sonic w/ DT Faust track

Associated cross-plots


Associated maps



  • Set the Stats window end parameter to end of available data.
  • Unless explicitly known and not correctly auto-detected leave the input units parameters for each curve set to auto.
  • Only set the Inferred lithology parameter on the key well if it is well known that a basin has consistently been logged in a specific lithological reference.