

The Sw Interpretations Module provides several methods for calculating the water.

Key Parameters

The various Sw calculation methods use different parameters that can be set on a zone-by-zone basis. Parameter visibility is based on Sw method selection. Parameters set zone-by-zone include:

  • Saturation method: Specify the water saturation method.
  • Rw at surface: The formation water resistivity at the stated surface temperature.
  • a: Tortuosity factor.
  • m: Cementation exponent.
  • n: Saturation exponent.
  • Rt clay: Clay resistivity.
  • Rwb at surface: Resistivity of bound water at stated surface temperature.
  • Qv: Cation exchange coefficient for total pore volume.
  • Permeability method: Specify the permeability calculate method.

The following parameters operate across zones:

  • Surface Temp: Surface temperature at location.
  • Geothermal gradient: Geothermal gradient at location.
  • Variable m: Determine m-value from Shell method.

Output Curves

Most important curves shown in bold.

  • SW: Water saturation calculated via the specified method. Can be total or effective depending on method selected.
  • SWT: Total water saturation.
  • SWE: Effective water saturation.
  • PERM_FINAL: Permeability.

CPI Config Reference

The relevant configuration file is 09_saturation.yaml.


  1. Gamma ray – SP track.
  2. Depth track
  3. Resistivity track with Rt clay parameter overlay line.
  4. Resistivity track with Rwb parameter overlay line.
  5. Neutron-density track.
  6. Clay volume track.
  7. Porosity track with bulk volumes.
  8. Permeability result track.
  9. Rw-apparent track with Rw parameter overlay line.
  10. Water saturation results line.

Associated cross-plots

  • Pickett cross-plot
  • Buckles cross-plot
  • Rt-Clay cross-plot

Associated maps

  • Avg_sw: Average water saturation for the selected zone.
  • Sw_net_res: Average water saturation for the selected zone in intervals flagged as net reservoir.
  • Sw_net_res: Average water saturation for the selected zone in intervals flagged as net pay.


  • Set all parameters for the water saturation calculation before performing the permeability calculation as many permeability methods use water saturation as an input.
  • Remember that if you select a “PhiE” method for the water saturation calculation, Sw = Swe. Similarly, if you select a “PhiT” method for the water saturation calculation, Sw = SwT.