
Tops Interpolation Flow

When working with large numbers of wells we often don’t have a fully picked stratigraphic framework available. This can cause issues when you are trying to perform calculations using defined zones. There are two options available to the user in this case: Pick out the tops manually Use automation to Read more…

Map Displays

In Danomics you can build map displays that include well markers, grids, shape files, and production overlays. The map file provides you with additional options to make richer displays than those available in the petrophysics files. In this demo I show you how to create a new map file, display Read more…

Maps and Cross-Sections

Danomics Petrophysics Insights offers mapping and cross-sections to users. Maps are available in both CPI files and Map Files and cross-sections are available in CPI files. Maps Maps can be displayed in both the CPI and Maps file types. Richer maps with production bubble overlays and shape file overlays can Read more…