
In this video I cover how to iterate through the mineral inversion module to arrive at a more sophisticated solution for the porosity.

The workflow for this is as follows:

  1. Perform a standard interpretation that goes through:
    • Badhole ID & Repair
    • Clay Volume
    • TOC Analysis
    • Mineral Inversion
    • Porosity (make sure to use a Min. Solver Porosity method)
    • Water Saturation
  2. Run a flow to export the BVWT and BVHC (optional)
  3. Add the BVWT and BVHC (optional) to the mineral inversion
    • Make sure to adjust the uncertainty until you are satisfied with fit
    • Decide if you want to disable the conductivity
  4. Update the Porosity module to use the Min. Solver Porosity strict
  5. Update the Saturation interpretation
  6. Repeat the process ad nauseum

Note that BVHC is optional. There are two reasons for this. First, using just BVWT should do everything you need it to. Second, if you have both an oil and gas phase you would really need to have a bulk volume oil and a bulk volume gas – which we normally don’t have. Therefore, if you have more than one hydrocarbon phase in a formation utilizing just the BVWT as an input would be considered best practice.