
To make life a little easier on you Danomics uses curve aliases. We have about 7500 different curve names aliased, which handles approximately 99.5% of cases that we encountered on a nearly 50,000 well data set.

Curve aliases allow you, for example, to call all your deep resistivity curves ResD instead of having to call them by their vendor names such as M2RX or AIT90 or the 500 other available names for deep resistivity curves. We know sometimes you want to know or use the actual name, and you can do that as well.

Curve Alias Names

  • Gamma Ray curve alias: GR
  • Caliper curve alias : CALI
  • Bulk Density curve alias : RhoB
  • Neutron (limestone) curve alias: Nphi
  • Density Correction curve alias: DRho
  • Deep Resistivity curve alias: ResD
  • Medium Resistivity curve alias: ResM
  • Shallow Resistivity curve alias: ResS
  • Micro Resistivity curve alias: Rxo
  • Photoelectric curve alias: PE
  • Sonic curve alias: DT
  • Shear Sonic curve alias: DTS
  • Sonic porosity curve alias: Sphi
  • Density Porosity (limestone) curve alias: Dphi
  • Density Porosity (sandstone) curve alias: Dphi_san
  • Density Porosity (dolomite) curve alias: Dphi_dol
  • Neutron (sandstone) curve alias: Nphi_san
  • Neutron (dolomite) curve alias: Nphi_dol
  • MicroInverse curve alias: minv
  • MicroNormal curve alias: hmno
  • Interval Transit Time curve alias: ITT
  • Conductivity curve alias: CILD
  • Tension curve alias: TENS
  • Depth: DEPT

Note: Curve names and aliases are NOT case sensitive.

Note that for filtering by curve availability we have also set up some “aliases of aliases”. These are:

  • dens_like: An alias of various types of density curves
  • neutron_like: An alias of various types of neutron curves
  • res_like: An alias of various types of resistivity curves

Calculated Curve Names

These are the curve names that we show in the display tracks and use in our equations, on a module-by-module basis. This list is not exhaustive but includes the most used names.

Curve Normalization Module

  • gr_comp: composited gamma ray curve from aliases
  • sp_comp: composited sp curve from aliases
  • dt_comp: composited sonic curve from aliases
  • dts_comp: composited shear sonic curve from aliases
  • sphi_comp: composited sonic porosity curve from aliases
  • nphi_comp: composited neutron porosity curve form aliases
  • nphi_san_comp: composited neutron sandstone porosity curve from aliases
  • nphi_dol_comp: composited neutron dolomite porosity curve from aliases
  • rhob_comp: composited bulk density curve from aliases
  • dphi_comp: composited density porosity (limestone) curve from aliases
  • dphi_san_comp: composited density porosity (sandstone) curve from aliases
  • dphi_dol_comp: composited density porosity (dolomite) curve from aliases
  • resd_comp: composited deep resistivity curve from aliases
  • resm_comp : composited medium resistivity curve from aliases
  • ress_comp: composited shallow resistivity curve from aliases
  • rxo_comp: composited micro resistivity curve form aliases
  • cali_comp: composited caliper curve from aliases
  • pe_comp: composited pe curve from aliases
  • drho_comp: composited drho curve from aliases
  • gr_norm: GR curve with/without normalization and compositing applied
  • sp_norm SP curve with/without normalization and compositing applied
  • rhob_norm: RhoB curve with/without normalization and compositing with unit scaling applied
  • nphi_norm: Nphi curve with/without normalization and compositing with unit scaling applied
  • resd_norm: deep resistivity curve with/without normalization and compositing applied
  • dt_norm: sonic curve with/without normalization and compositing with unit scaling applied.
  • pe_norm: pe curve with/without normalization and compositing applied

Note: compositing is the process of combining curves of the same type, but with different names into a single curve for later use.

Note: unit standardization is also performed so that curves of the same family but different type can be used on an apples to apples basis. For example, the density porosity curves are checked for percent vs. decimal and matrix type, and are then transformed into a bulk density.

Bad Hole ID Module

  • badhole: Badhole flag for the RhoB curve
  • pe_badhole: Badhole flag for the PE curve
  • nphi_badhole: Badhole flag for the Nphi curve
  • dt_badhole: Badhole flag for the DT curve
  • gr_final: final GR curve
  • sp_final: final SP curve
  • cali_final: final caliper curve
  • resd_final: final deep resistivity curve
  • resm_final: final medium resistivity curve
  • ress_final: final shallow resistivity curve
  • rxo_final: final micro resistivity curve
  • cond_final: final deep conductivity curve
  • rhob_final: final bulk density curve with optional repairs applied
  • drho_final: final bulk density correction curve
  • nphi_final: final neutron curve with optional repairs applied
  • pe_final : final pe curve with optional repairs applied
  • dt_final : final sonic curve with optional repairs applied
  • dts_final : final shear sonic curve
  • u_final: final U curve (product of RhoB * PE)

Clay Volume Module

  • vcl_gr: Vclay from Gamma Ray
  • vcl_sp: Vclay from SP
  • vcl_nd: Vclay from Neutron-Density
  • vcl_nphi: Vclay from Neutron
  • vwcl: Final Vclay curve (minimum/average value of selected Vclay methods)

TOC Analysis Module

  • toc_final: Final TOC curve
  • toc_combined: TOC from “RhoB Methods” equation
  • toc_schmoker: TOC from Schmoker’s equation
  • toc_slogr: TOC from Passey’s sonic overlay method
  • toc_dlogr: TOC from Passey’s density overlay method
  • toc_nlogr: TOC from Passey’s neutron overlay method
  • toc_vernik: TOC from Vernik’s method
  • toc_mod_passey: TOC from Modified Passey method
  • toc_faust: TOC using DT Faust method
  • v_ker: Volume of kerogen

Inversion Module

In the mineral inversion module the output curves are the names of the minerals used in the inversion. E.g., quartz, calcite, dolomite, etc.

  • minv_grain_density: Grain density from mineral inversion
  • rhob_pred: Predicted density from mineral inversion
  • nphi_pred: Predicted neutron from mineral inversion
  • pe_pred: Predicted PE from mineral inversion
  • dt_pred: Predicted sonic from mineral inversion
  • vwcl_pred: Predicted Vclay from mineral inversion
  • v_ker_pred: Predicted Vkerogen from mineral inversion

Porosity Module

  • phit: Total porosity based on selected methodology
  • phie: Effective porosity based on selected methodology
  • den_porosity: Density porosity
  • nd_porosity: Neutron-density crossplot porosity
  • son_porosity: Sonic porosity
  • mm_porosity: Porosity from RhoMa/UMaa method
  • gd_porosity: Density porosity using deterministic grain density
  • minv_porosity: Density porosity using mineral inversion grain density
  • minv_porosity_strict: Porosity from sum of Oil/Gas/Water volumes from mineral inversion

Water Saturation Module

  • sw: Water Saturation based on selected methodology
  • bvw: Bulk Volume Water
  • archie: water saturation from Archie’s equation
  • archie_phit: water saturation from Archie’s equation using total porosity
  • simandoux: water saturation using Simandoux equation
  • mod_simandoux: water saturation using Modified Simandoux equation
  • indonesian: water saturation using Indonesian equation
  • dual_water: water saturation using the Dual Water methodology

Interpretation Module

  • Gross_Res: Gross Reservoir
  • Net_Res: Net Reservoir
  • Net_Pay: Net Pay

Volumetrics Module

  • OOIP: Oil originally in place, cumulative sum by formation
  • OGIP: Original gas in place, cumulative sum by formation
  • HCPV: hydrocarbon pore volume
  • PhiH: porosity thickness

Geomechanics & Pore Pressure Module

  • Frac_Package: Reservoir package from reservoir continuity analysis
  • Is_Filler: Frac_Package curve above with non-reservoir intervals shown
  • Brittleness: Brittleness indicator via selected method
  • pp_eaton_dt: Pore pressure from selected Eaton method via sonic
  • pp_eaton_res: Pore pressure from selected Eaton method via resistivity
  • pore_pressure_final: Final pore pressure from selected method
  • overpressure: the calculated overpressure
  • youngs_modulus: Young’s modulus
  • poissons_ratio: Poisson’s ratio
  • bulk_modulus: bulk modulus
  • shear_modulus: shear modulus
  • hydrostatic: hydrostatic pressure gradient
  • overburden: overburden pressure gradient

Summary Maps & Properties

  • Structure Map: structure map of a formation based on the imported well tops
  • isopach: isopach map on a zone-by-zone basis for a zone
  • avg_gr_final: average gamma ray value within a zone
  • avg_rhob_final: average bulk density value within a zone
  • avg_nphi_final: average neutron value within a zone
  • avg_pe_final: average photoelectric value within a zone
  • avg_dt_final: average sonic value within a zone
  • avg_resd_final: average deep resistivity value within a zone
  • badhole_summary: thickness of badhole flags in a zone
  • avg_vwcl: average volume of clay within a zone
  • avg_toc: average toc within a zone
  • avg_grain_density: average grain density within a zone
  • avg_phit: average total porosity within a zone
  • avg_phie: average effective porosity within a zone
  • avg_sw: average sw within a zone
  • gross_res_summary: gross reservoir thickness within a zone
  • net_res_summary: net reservoir thickness within a zone
  • net_pay_summary: net pay thickness within a zone
  • hcpv_summary: hydrocarbon pore volume within a zone
  • phi_summary: porosity thickness within a zone
  • ooip_summary: original oil in place within a zone
  • ogip_summary: original gas in place within a zone
  • max_con_net_res: maximum continuous thickness of the net reservoir within a zone
  • max_cont_net_pay: maximum continuous thickness of the net paywithin a zone
  • gr_norm_rms: RMS of the difference between the gamma ray and normalized gamma ray
  • sp_norm_rms: RMS of the difference between the spand normalized sp
  • resd_norm_rms : RMS of the difference between the deep resistivity and normalized deep resistivity
  • nphi_norm_rms : RMS of the difference between the neutron and normalized neutron
  • rhob_norm_rms : RMS of the difference between the bulk density and normalized bulk density
  • dt_norm_rms : RMS of the difference between the sonic and normalized sonic
  • pe_norm_rms : RMS of the difference between the pe and normalized pe

Hints and Tips

You can find the curve names associated with a module by going to the CPI Config tab and selecting the relevant yaml file.

In most cases we only display the “final” curves (e.g., gr_final) as these will honor any selections you made on normalization and compositing.

If you want to see a full list of curves available, open up the export LAS dialog. That box will contain a full list of all the curves that have been calculated, even if they aren’t used in your workflow.