
Volumetrics Calculations

This video will review the Volumetrics module, which allows you to calculate oil and gas in place. An update for using the Vasquez-Beggs and Hall-Yarborough calculations is provided below.

Update: Using the Vasquez-Beggs and Hall-Yarborough Options

The default options for volumetrics calculations allow you to:

  1. Select the primary fluid type (oil or gas) by formation
  2. Set the area by formation
  3. Set the FVF for oil or gas (Bo or Bg) by formation
  4. Set the gas oil ratio or liquids yield. by formation
  5. Set whether to perform the calculation using the gross reservoir, net reservoir, or net pay criteria
  6. Set whether to perform the calculation using the effective (PhiE) or total porosity (PhiT)

An update has been added to provide you the additional option to “Calculate Oil and Gas FVF”, with options “Fixed Value” or “Vasquez and Beggs”. Selecting the latter will update the display so that you will now have options to:

  1. Select the primary fluid type (oil or gas) by formation
  2. Set the area by formation
  3. Set the oil and gas gravity (gas gravity only if gas is the primary fluid type)
  4. Set the liquids yield if gas is the primary fluid
  5. Set the reservoir pressure model
  6. Set whether to perform the calculation using the gross reservoir, net reservoir, or net pay criteria
  7. Set whether to perform the calculation using the effective (PhiE) or total porosity (PhiT)

When the Vasquez-Beggs option is selected the Bo (Oil FVF) and GOR is determined via the methods outlined by Vasquez and Beggs (“Correlations for Fluid Physical Property Prediction”, M.E. Vasquez and H.D. Beggs, JPT 968 – 70, June 1980.) using the pressure and temperature conditions at every depth step. To determine the Bg (Gas FVF) correlations from Hall and Yarborough (1974) are used in conjunction with the coefficients outlined by Whitson and Brule (SPE Monograph vol. 20, Phase Behavior, 2000).

Categories: HelpPetrophysics